RetailerFrankfurt Duty Free
Davidoff Nica Diadema 4s
Product description
A cigar which brings uncharted territories of taste, stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Esteli Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bitter sweet palate stimulation . A richer, sharper Habano Nicaragua Oscuro wrapper then rolls the experience into a dynamic box pressed format to liberate enhanced flavours and aromas. Davidoff Nicaragua, 100% Nicaragua, the much acclaimed creation now takes you on a new, more extreme flavour journey.
A cigar which brings uncharted territories of taste, stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Esteli Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bitter sweet palate stimulation . A richer, sharper Habano Nicaragua Oscuro wrapper then rolls the experience into a dynamic box pressed format to liberate enhanced flavours and aromas. Davidoff Nicaragua, 100% Nicaragua, the much acclaimed creation now takes you on a new, more extreme flavour journey.
A cigar which brings uncharted territories of taste, stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Esteli Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bitter sweet palate stimulation . A richer, sharper Habano Nicaragua Oscuro wrapper then rolls the experience into a dynamic box pressed format to liberate enhanced flavours and aromas. Davidoff Nicaragua, 100% Nicaragua, the much acclaimed creation now takes you on a new, more extreme flavour journey.
Smoking kills. Due to tobacco shortages, there are currently severe delivery problems with Cuban cigars. If you use our Click & Collect service, we can therefore unfortunately not guarantee that the pre-ordered Cuban cigars are still available in the desired quantity at the time of pickup at the airport.
- Flight Destination Restrictions
- Non-EU
Additional product information
- Cigar Length
- 154 mm
- GMO Free
- Yes
- Item Number
- 1219783
Manufacturer instruction
- Product Series
- Nicaragua
- Net Weight
- 0.064 kg
- Package Height
- 2.5 cm
- Package Length
- 17.5 cm
- Package Width
- 8.5 cm