Juwel Weine Winery
The winemaker Juliane Eller produces unique wines, which are unique in type and character! Wines that are uncompromisingly produced in the traditional way and clearly stand by their origin. On vineyards in and around Alsheim, the wines grow on about 20 hectares, which are characterized by loess loam, lime and clay marl soils.

Natural and sustainable viticulture
Juliane Eller studied viticulture and oenology in Geisenheim and took over her parents' winery in Rheinhessen, Alsheim, at the age of 23. From mechanical harvest and bulk wine production of around 35 grape varieties, she has tightened the range to 6 grape varieties and is gradually switching the business to the traditional craft of hand harvesting. Natural and sustainable viticulture is the basis for the production of her JUWEL wines with the highest standards of quality. The locations of the vineyards are spread over 20 hectares in in the Rheinhessen region around Alsheim. The terroir is characterized by loess or loess clay, limestone and clay stone.
Juliane Eller produces her own wines, called JUWEL Wines since 2013. JUWEL Wines are dry quality wines that are distinctive in type and character. Juliane Eller convinced and impressed within her first year as a winemaker and since then received again and again awards for her wines.